Saturday, January 3, 2009

Command and conquer

I've never been very organized. I have a bunch of useful XNA code scattered throughout various projects, which for whatever reason I haven't moved forward. So while I work out what type of game to build, I've started consolidating some of my past work into a common assembly that can be used in all future games, starting with the current project.

One such item is a console window that allows commands to be issued and settings to be configured dynamically, to improve the efficiency of repetitive tasks in both development and testing. For example, refining gameplay parameters including gravity, acceleration and jump height, jumping to a specific level, or collecting items that would otherwise require hours of play time.

This is nothing new, but to give props where they are due, my work was inspired by a series of articles on efficient development. Check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

And finally, here are a couple of screenshots of the console in action:

Now I just need to build something, then I can configure it. :)

1 comment:

  1. If the game is as clever as the title of your post, then it will be a hit! :-)

    But seriously, the idea of controlling parameters in-game with some kind of interface is an awesome idea and would really speed up development.
