Monday, March 16, 2009

Casting call

You've all seen the lead character, Chris. Debstar, the heckling heroine, is also locked in.

However, the story and all the other roles are still up in the air, and I'm happy to be persuaded in any direction. So, what do you think? I promise to integrate as many stupid ideas as I can.

Bring it!


  1. While I understand that Chris is lead, I do think that Debstar should have some sort of approval on any characters seeing as she will have to live with them in this strange 2D land of Chris' imagination. Can I have a star on my shirt?

  2. Debra, funny you mention a star on Debstar's shirt. That was exactly my intention!

  3. is the evil end guy GMANGO?

  4. I don't know. What do you think, Debstar? :)

  5. I should mention that if you volunteer your likeness, while you will be forever immortalized on the Xbox 360, you will also be placing yourself at the discretion of my zaniest imagination.

    It would be painstakingly slow to get every bit of dialog reviewed by every person in every scene, so you'll have to be content with the knowledge that I fully intend to favor your likenesses at the expense of my own.

    If you choose to go ahead, send me side and front photos of your head, and by all means if you want to throw in some material, I'm happy to oblige.

  6. Found an interesting article about converting XNA 2D games to silverlight with minimal effort..

    What is the plot for this game? I can't come up with awesome characters if I don't know the scene :)

  7. Hosting a browser version would be CRAZY!! And it sounds like all the functionality I'm using is supported by SilverSprite. Definitely something to look into... once I've exhausted all the viable commercial channels of course. :)

    Regarding the plot, I was thinking I'd wait and see who volunteers their likeness to the game, and then form a plot around them.

    Based on what I currently have, the plot would be along the lines of:

    G Mango wants only to dance, but his parents force him into the army. Frustration turns to resentment, resentment turns to anger, until one day he takes over the world. Chris rallies to save the day, and with the help of Debstar he battles his way through random disconnected worlds to a final confrontation with G Mango.

    But throw in a Jackel, and who knows how things might change! :)

  8. Enough is enough. Debstar wants an update.
